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title:Trade Mark Searching summary:Find out more about automated TradeMarkAPI Trade Mark Searching, automating pre-filing trade mark availability searching


Over 10 million trade mark records

Leverage off our extensive trade mark collections comprising over 10 million trademarks to provide fully automated cross class availability searching in multiple jurisdictions.

Our trade mark records are updated daily, ensuring the trademarkAPI trade mark availability searching is performed with the most up-to-date trade mark records. To view the capabilities of our frademark availability searching have a look at our demo interface where you can input sample trademarks for searching.

How does it work?

During the trade mark configuration process, the TradeMarkAPI System automates a trade mark availability search against our trade mark records in accordance with the chosen classes, reducing the likelihood of potentially conflicting trademarks been cited during examination, providing confidence your trade mark applicants and increasing your filings. The trademarkAPI system utilises intelligent cross class searching so as to ensure that potentially conflicting trademarks from related goods and services are also identified.

View potentially conflicting trademarks

The trade mark applicant is able to you immediately view the bibliographic information feature the potentially conflicting trademarks identified:

TradeMarkAPI trade mark application interface

Multi jurisdictional configuration

During the configuration of your trade mark application interface, using the trade mark API back-end, you can select in which jurisdictions trade mark availability searching is to be performed. Currently, TradeMarkAPI has comprehensive live trade mark records updated daily for the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, with more countries expected to be added to our records soon. If your country is not one of these, you can still use the TradeMarkAPI interface, with full trade mark goods and services classification functionality. If you would like your countries trademark records included within our system for availability searching, please contact us.

Next steps

For more information, please contact us for more information or get started in adding our trade mark filing interface to your website.